After another forced break due to rain (and more is on the way), construction resumed again. This year proves to be one of the wetter ones in recent history- Out of the 15 inches that normally come down in the entire rainy season, we had already 13 of them- before this last rain. This is good for the water reserves of the state, the plants, the wildflowers- but not for us- not this year.
The basement had an inch of water at times, a lot of wood got wet and rusty nails stained the concrete floors.
So, construction continued at a slowed pace- The basement walls are framed and the manufactured I –joists for the first floor framing are mostly installed with plywood sheathing over about half of them.
Outside the basement, the grading sub started to backfill and recompact the area under the garage for support of the floor slab.
On the design side, we have been working out the façade panel layout down to the screws to minimize waste and to get then most out of the material. Unfortunately, we had to scale back the extent of the façade panels- The first victim to value engineering.